Reshaping Fleet Service & Maintenance Operations
全球最大网赌正规平台服务于中国青藏铁路(QTR), 世界上最高的铁路, for 15 years. QTR有78台NJ2型机车,这些机车由多年的总服务协议(MSA)覆盖。. Under this MSA, 全球最大网赌正规平台负责整个舰队的运作, 并提供全面的维护和服务, 这样客户就不需要在维护和车间设施上投资了. 这是中国铁路行业独特的创新服务模式, where traditionally, 操作人员自己管理服务和维护过程.
这种安排改变了游戏规则. 它不仅提供可靠的车队操作, 但它也通过改进维护质量过程增加了价值, shop operation expertise, 供应商管理零件和材料, troubleshooting capabilities, and more. China Railways recognizes the cost-effectiveness and efficiencies this service model provides and hopes to adopt it across more of its expansive rail network.
全球最大网赌正规平台's team in China is working closely with operators and authorities to explore these opportunities in an effort to achieve optimal railway operations, 并最终重塑中国铁路行业管理运营和服务的方式.